What Is the California Electric Vehicle Tax Credit

Learn more about the incentives that make electric vehicles more affordable Below are summaries of all current California laws, incentives, regulations, funding opportunities, and other initiatives related to alternative fuels and vehicles, advanced technologies, or air quality. You can go straight to the summaries of: California has also committed to switching from gasoline to electric to meet its goal of reducing carbon emissions by 40% by 2030 from 1990 levels and achieving carbon neutrality by 2045. In addition, California is one of 11 states participating in the Zero Emissions Vehicles (ZEV) program, which requires automakers to ensure that a certain percentage of all vehicles they sell in the state are ZEVs (ZEVs are primarily electric vehicles, but can also be hydrogen fuel cell vehicles). Currently, the requirement is 2.5% ZEV. San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) offers its customers three PEV Time-of-Use (TOU) rates that use a single meter or require the installation of a second meter. Lower natural gas rates are available to customers who own a natural gas (NGV) vehicle and use a qualified compressed natural gas refueling device at home. For more information on pricing, visit the SDG&E EV Plans and NGV rates websites. The rule on the road for heavy diesel vehicles (i.e. Truck and Bus Regulations) require the modernization and replacement of nearly all private vehicles operating in California with a total laden weight (GVWR) of more than 14,000 pounds (lbs). School buses owned by private and public institutions as well as federal government vehicles also fall within the scope of the rule. By January 1, 2023, almost all vehicles must have engines certified to the 2010 engine standard or an equivalent engine.

The Drayage Truck Rule governs heavy-duty diesel vehicles that transport goods to and from California`s ports and intermodal rail facilities. The rule states that some Drayage trucks must be equipped with VDECS and that all applicable vehicles have engines certified to 2007 emission standards. Until 1. By January 2023, all affected vehicles must have engines certified to 2010 standards. The Solid Waste Collection Vehicle Rule regulates solid waste collection vehicles with a maximum permissible weight of 14,000 lbs. or more that run on diesel fuel, have engine models from 1960 to 2006 and collect waste for a fee. The fleet rule for public bodies and utilities requires fleets to install VDECS in vehicles or purchase vehicles running on alternative fuels, or use advanced technologies to meet emission requirements on certain implementation dates. OMS compiles information annually, including but not limited to the number of AFVs and hybrid electric vehicles purchased, the location of alternative fuel pumps available for these vehicles, and the total amount of alternative fuels used. Vehicles owned by the Crown or capable of running on alternative fuel must run on that fuel, unless alternative fuel is not available.

DGS is also obligated: PCE and Peninsula Family Service (PFS) are offering qualified residents of San Mateo County $4,000 that can be used as a down payment to purchase a used PHEV. To be eligible, San Mateo County residents must meet the maximum annual income requirements, be able to charge the PHE at home or at work, and be eligible for a PFS vehicle loan. Additional terms and conditions apply. For more information, visit the DriveForward Electric website. Participants who receive a vehicle grant or funding under the stroke program may be eligible to participate in the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (GRP). The CVA program provides grants and financial support to low-income Californians for the purchase of a new or used hybrid or electric vehicle. Please note that the CVRP may have different vehicle and applicant eligibility criteria than the CVA program. For more information about the CVA program and its admission requirements, please visit the website: cleanvehiclegrants.org/.

The Southern California Gas Company`s (SoCalGas) truck loan program offers short-term loans of up to two weeks for medium- and heavy-load compressed natural gas vehicles at no cost to qualified customers. For more information, visit the SoCalGas NGV Incentives and Grants website. The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) administers the Vanpool Voucher Incentive Program (VVIP), which provides residents with funds to participate in vans and reduce or replace commuters with individual inmates in the San Joaquin Valley. Residents can receive up to $360 per year. Vanpool agencies interested in participating in the program must submit an application to SJVAPCD and sign a contract to become a VVIP partner. For more information, see the SJVAPCD VVIP Website. The driver of a diesel-powered vehicle with a total laden weight greater than 10,000 pounds shall not idle the vehicle`s main engine anywhere for more than five consecutive minutes and shall not use a diesel-powered auxiliary power system (APS) on the vehicle for more than five minutes if it is within 100 feet of a restricted area. Exceptions apply in certain situations and for certain vehicles. Any combustion APS used in California must comply with applicable off-road and/or federal non-highway emission standards and test procedures for its fuel type and performance category to ensure that emissions do not exceed emissions from an idling truck engine. The 2008 model year and newer heavy-duty diesel engines must be equipped with non-programmable engine stop systems that automatically shut down the engine after five minutes of idling or optionally meet a strict standard for nitrogen oxide idle emissions. A rugged diesel engine certified for voluntary idle emission standards carries a „certified idling“ label issued by the engine manufacturer and permanently attached to the hood on the driver`s side of the truck. Similarly, off-road diesel engine APS equipped with an appropriate and verified Stage 3 diesel particulate filter must have a „verified and clean APS“ label issued by the APS manufacturer, which is permanently attached to the hood on the driver`s side of the truck.

The California Clean Truck, Bus, and Off-Road Vehicle and Equipment Technology Program (Program) will provide funding for development, demonstration, pre-commercial pilot projects, and early commercial implementation for trucks, buses, and zero- and near-zero-emission off-road vehicles and equipment. Eligible projects are: Electric cars usually have a higher sticker price, but you can find ways to reimburse yourself for this vehicle. In addition to daily gas savings, you can get government discounts, toll road discounts, ride-sharing benefits, and federal tax credits. California`s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program requires a reduction of at least 10% in the carbon intensity of transportation fuels sold, delivered, or offered for sale in the state by 2020. California Air Resources Board (ARB) regulations require manufacturers and importers of transportation fuels to meet certain average carbon intensity requirements for the fuel. In the regulation, carbon intensity reductions are based on reformulated gasoline blended with 10% corn-derived ethanol and low-sulfur diesel fuel. Propane is exempt from the requirements of the LCFS, as are non-biomass-based alternative fuels supplied in California for use in transportation with a total volume of less than 3.6 million gasoline-gallon equivalents per year. Other exceptions apply to fuels used in certain applications. The LCFS program allows producers and importers to generate, acquire, transfer, bank, borrow and exchange loans.

Fuel manufacturers and importers covered by the LCFS must comply with the quarterly and annual reporting requirements. For more information, visit the LCFS program website. (Reference to Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 95480-95490 and California Health and Safety Code 38500-38599) The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) manages the Truck Replacement Program, which funds fleets to replace old vehicles with low-emission vehicles or to purchase new zero-emission, hybrid or low-stick oxide (NOx) vehicles. The following projects are funded: Non-compliant school buses are vehicles that do not comply with the ARB`s Truck and Bus Ordinance. Eligible applicants include owners of public transit, school buses and shuttles. Scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. The program is funded by the Californian part of the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust. Further information, including program instructions and the app, is available on the ARB`s Volkswagen Settlement website. This income limit applies to all eligible vehicle types, with the exception of fuel cell electric vehicles.

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District`s (BAAQ®) Clean Cars for All program provides income-eligible residents with grants of up to $9,500 to replace a retirement vehicle with a PEP or FCEV. Eligible vehicles should have a model year of 15 years or more than the current year. Beneficiaries can buy or lease a new or used EPI or FCEV. Subsidies vary depending on household income and vehicle technology. .