What Does the Trans Pacific Partnership Do

In developing SPS rules, TPP Parties have expressed their common interest in ensuring transparent and non-discriminatory rules based on scientific evidence and have reaffirmed their right to protect human, animal or plant life or health in their countries. The TPP relies on WTO SPS rules to identify and manage risks in a way that is no more trade-restrictive than necessary. TPP Parties agree to provide the public with an opportunity to comment on the proposed SPS measures to inform their decision-making and to ensure that traders understand the rules they are required to follow. They agree that import programmes are based on import risks and that import controls are carried out without delay. The Parties further agree that emergency measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health may be taken, provided that the Party taking them notifies all other Parties. The Party adopting an emergency measure shall review the scientific basis for that measure within six months and make the results of those reviews available to each Party upon request. In addition, TPP Parties undertake to improve the exchange of information on requests for equivalence or regionalization and to promote systemic audits to assess the effectiveness of the exporting Party`s regulatory controls. In order to quickly resolve SPS issues between them, they agreed to set up a mechanism for consultation between governments. All TPP parties are members of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and recognize the importance of promoting internationally recognized workers` rights.

The TPP Parties agree to incorporate and maintain in their laws and practices the fundamental labour rights recognized in the 1998 ILO Declaration, namely freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; the abolition of forced labour; the abolition of child labour and the prohibition of the worst forms of child labour; and the elimination of discrimination in the workplace. You also agree to have laws that regulate minimum wage, hours of work, and occupational safety and health. These obligations also apply to export processing zones. The 12 Parties agree not to waive or derogate from laws implementing fundamental labour rights in order to attract trade or investment and not to fail to effectively enforce their labour laws in a persistent or recurring pattern that would affect trade or investment between the TPP Parties. In addition to the obligations of Parties to abolish forced labour in their own countries, the Labour Chapter contains obligations to prevent the importation of goods produced by forced labour or child labour or containing inputs produced by forced labour, whether or not the country of origin is a TPP Party. Each of the 12 TPP Parties is committed to ensuring access to fair, equitable and transparent administrative and judicial procedures and to providing effective remedies for violations of its labour law. They also agree on public participation in the implementation of the labour chapter, including the establishment of mechanisms for collecting public contributions. President Obama announced in November 2009 the United States` intention to participate in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations to conclude an ambitious next-generation asia-Pacific trade agreement that reflects U.S.

economic priorities and values. With this agreement, the Obama administration is trying to strengthen the United States. Economic growth and support for creating and maintaining quality American jobs by increasing exports to a region that includes some of the world`s strongest economies and accounts for nearly 40 percent of global GDP. The Obama administration is working closely with Congress and various stakeholders to reach a strong agreement that addresses the issues facing American businesses and workers in the 21st century. For agricultural products, the Parties will abolish or reduce tariffs and other restrictive measures, thereby increasing agricultural trade in the region and improving food security. In addition to abolishing or reducing tariffs, the TPP Parties agree to promote policy reforms, including the elimination of agricultural export subsidies, cooperation within the WTO in the development of disciplines for state-owned export trading companies, export credits, and limiting deadlines for restricting food exports to ensure greater food security in the region. TPP parties also agreed on greater transparency and cooperation in certain activities related to agricultural biotechnology. There have been conflicting arguments as to whether or not the TPP is intended to strengthen trade liberalization.

For arguments suggesting that the TPP succeeds in liberalizing trade between participating countries, the question arises as to whether or not this leads to a net positive or negative change. Some scholars argue that participatory TPP members believe that such membership is a utilitarian and practical method for further trade liberalization. [173] Researchers Peter Petri and Michael Plummer describe the TPP as a „dynamic process – and an example of competitive liberalization,“ and this described liberalization can lead to a new form of governance for the Asia-Pacific region, as well as transnational trade. [174] The chapter establishes standards for patents based on the WTO TRIPS Agreement and international best practices […].